News — #soildepot

From Bulb to Bloom: Repotting Amaryllis Bulbs the Soil Depot Way

Posted by Jewel SD on

What a pleasant bloom from Mam Doreen's garden! Her amaryllis bulbs came to life after being repotted with Soil Depot products--Drain Protect and Potting Mix. And it happened in a span of 2 weeks! NPK really works wonders to plants! That's what we ensure at Soil Depot-- that when you receive our products, you don't have to worry about the nutrition your plants could get-- we prepared them for you already, so you could just enjoy your easy wins in gardening, just like Mam Doreen. Thank you for brightening up our day, mam Doreen! Your bulb to bloom story is...

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4 Plant Gifts to say "I love you"

Posted by Jewel SD on

While bouquets of flowers are typical during February, you may find yourself wanting to give or to receive something that will last beyond the dried petals. In this case, a well-established plant in a nice pot, with a simple note, would be a great gift this Valentine season. Check out these plant choices that can be as colorful even without the flowers.1. Red aglaonemaA very easy-to-care-for variety that glows with bright red leaves. It will surely delight the eyes of the receiver as it brightens any dull space of the garden or even a living room. It also produces offshoots...

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5 Must-Have Herbs to Level up your Dishes

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Thinking about what to serve your family on Christmas Eve or looking for ways to add flavor and color to your specialty dish? Having a pot or two of these herbs will turn your simple meal to a hearty feast.ParsleyFirst on our list is one of the kitchen staples for most herb gardeners. Among many varieties, flat parsley is the most preferred as it is tastier than the curly ones. Parsley is used as a garnish to dishes to add color and taste, often in pasta and even in soups and salads. But did you know that it's also a...

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3 Reasons to Start Herb Gardening

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

A lot more people nowadays have embraced gardening, especially food gardening--growing plants with edible leaves, fruits, or stems. Herbs, the ancient food ingredients, have significantly gained popularity because of the unique taste that they give to dishes. Moreover, they're also a favorite when it comes to adding colors and aroma to modern food preparations.The term "herb" is commonly interchanged with "spices" to mean any plant-derived product that is used to season food. Their primary difference is that herbs are grown in areas of moderate climate while spices come from mostly tropical areas. And for the herbs, leaves are commonly used,...

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Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Chili

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Chili (Capsicum sp.) Chili, one of the kitchen commodities that always have an upward spike, is an ingredient that most of the Filipinos love. Especially for people who are used to having "tiltilan," chili will always be present. Chili is one of the most colorful fruits, and it is also widely varied in terms of taste. Chili fruits come in hues of red, yellow, green, purple and even black. But their colors don't exactly indicate the level of spice that they have. Here are some of the health benefits that chili has hidden behind its pop flavor. Capsaicin,...

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