
The Ultimate Guide to Rainy Season Gardening: Part 4 – Essential Tips and Tricks for Rainy Season Gardening

Posted by Jewel SD on

Welcome to our rainy season gardening guide! Gardening during the rainy season offers unique opportunities and challenges, especially when it comes to soil preparation and nutrient management. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips and tricks to help you optimize your garden soil, focusing on the importance of NPK-rich soil for healthy plant growth.Importance of Good Soil in Rainy Season Gardening1. Drainage: Good soil drainage is crucial during the rainy season to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot and other diseases. Here’s how to ensure proper drainage:- Raised Beds: If your garden tends to flood, consider planting...

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8 Tips on Recovering from Typhoon

Posted by Jewel SD on

We understand how heartbreaking it can be to see your home and garden, which you've poured so much love and effort into, damaged by a flood or typhoon. Here are some steps to help you through this tough time:   1. Safety First: Before you start any work, make sure the area is safe. Wear protective gear like gloves and boots, and be cautious of unstable ground or structures.   2. Assess the Damage Slowly: It can be overwhelming to see the extent of the damage. Take it one step at a time. Start by noting what needs immediate attention...

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The Ultimate Guide to Rainy Season Gardening: Part 3 – Flowers to Brighten Your Rainy Season Garden

Posted by Jewel SD on

Rainy days can cast a gray pall over everything, but your garden doesn't have to match the mood. Infuse your outdoor space with vibrant colors by planting flowers that thrive in the wet conditions of the rainy season. Many flowers are perfect for this time of year, offering lush, vibrant blooms with minimal care. Dive into rainy season gardening and watch your garden come to life with these flowers: Perennials 1. Periwinkles Adding flowers to your rainy season garden can bring vibrant color and cheer to those overcast days. Periwinkles, also known as Vinca, are perfect for this purpose. They are hardy, easy...

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The Ultimate Guide to Rainy Season Gardening: Part 2 – Fruit Plants That Flourish in the Rainy Season

Posted by Jewel SD on

Welcome to Part 2 of our rainy season gardening series! Growing fruit plants during the rainy season can be highly rewarding, as they benefit from the ample water supply and cooler temperatures. Let’s explore some of the best fruit plants to consider for your rainy season garden:1. Lemons (Citrus limon)Lemons are versatile fruits prized for their acidic juice and aromatic zest. Consider these factors for growing lemons during the rainy season:Moisture: Lemons need consistent moisture but also require well-drained soil to prevent root rot.Sunlight: They thrive in full sun to promote fruit production and ripening.Uses: Use lemons in beverages, desserts,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Rainy Season Gardening: Part 1 – Best Herbs and Vegetables to Plant

Posted by Jewel SD on

The rainy season is a gardener’s paradise, offering the perfect conditions for a flourishing garden. In this first part of our series, we’ll explore the best herbs and vegetables to plant during the rainy season to ensure a bountiful harvest.Best Vegetables to Plant1. Leafy GreensLeafy greens thrive in the moist, cool conditions of the rainy season. They are easy to grow and can be harvested multiple times. Some excellent choices include:- Spinach: Spinach grows quickly and is rich in vitamins.- Lettuce: A variety of lettuces can be planted for a continuous supply of fresh, crisp leaves.- Kale: This hardy green...

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