
Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Chili

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Chili (Capsicum sp.) Chili, one of the kitchen commodities that always have an upward spike, is an ingredient that most of the Filipinos love. Especially for people who are used to having "tiltilan," chili will always be present. Chili is one of the most colorful fruits, and it is also widely varied in terms of taste. Chili fruits come in hues of red, yellow, green, purple and even black. But their colors don't exactly indicate the level of spice that they have. Here are some of the health benefits that chili has hidden behind its pop flavor. Capsaicin,...

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Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Eggplant

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Eggplant (Solanum melongena esculentum)Eggplant, a go-to vegetable when preparing quick meals. Enjoy it fried, as an ingredient in "pakbet", or the all-time favorite "torta". Whichever you like, eggplant is an easy-to-love vegetable on the table. It is also one of the most colorful fruits (as it is technically classified). Varieties range from the most common color--purple, to green, red, and even black.Eggplant is a simple vegetable that is surprisingly packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but low in calories. Anthocyanins, a type of pigment with antioxidant properties that give the eggplant its vibrant color, is confirmed to protect...

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Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Okra

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)Okra is one of the rarely loved vegetables out there because of its sliminess. But I hope by reading this blog, you'll reconsider eating it and growing your own!Okra is a very unique vegetable because it has protein content, which most of the other vegetables do not have. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, which helps build a strong immune system to fight illnesses. A very important Vitamin in blood clotting, Vitamin K is also contained in these green pods. Aside from these, okra is low in calories but high in antioxidants which...

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Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Tomato

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)Tomatoes, a botanically classified fruit, but considered as a vegetable by nutritionists and most of us. Yummy as it is or as an ingredient of a dish, they are a common item on our market shopping list.Tomatoes are mostly water, are a great source of carbs that are mainly simple sugars and insoluble fibers. It is the major dietary source of lycopene, the antioxidant that is linked to reduce the risk of some diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamin C that helps the immune system to fight illnesses....

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Easy Wins in Vegetable Gardening: Pechay

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Plant Name: Pechay Brassica rapa subsp. chinensisOther Names: bok choy, pak choi, Chinese white cabbagePechay, a common ingredient of soups, can also be enjoyed simply by stir-frying or as pechay guisado with some oyster sauce. This versatile vegetable is a good source of Potassium that aids in physical mobility, especially the optimal use of the muscles. Pechay also has traces of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin K, and magnesium which all contribute to keeping the skeletal system functioning well. It is also rich in Vitamin C that boosts the immune system, the defense of the body against harmful viruses and...

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