Indoor Succulents that You Would Love

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Whether you want to start decorating your newly-constructed house, or you want to change the vibe of your home, succulents will surely be a good choice to add some spice to your project. They would forgive if ever you forget to water them and most of them do not have thick foliage, so it's compatible maintenance if you don't want constant watering and mess around your sofa. Now, which varieties are at the top of the list when choosing succulents to care for indoors? Let's check them out!

1. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
This tough-looking South African native grows stubby, branched stems with thick, glossy green leaves. When grown in full sun, the leaves are tinged with red around the edges. It is easy to grow because it can tolerate dry soil, average humidity, and even a shady spot of your home. This would also be a perfect table piece as a bonsai as it can adapt to pruning to maintain its small size. Jade plants and other Crassula species love to be watered when the soil is dry. It would also be great to use a heavy pot with good-draining soil when planting Jade plants to avoid rot.
2. Haworthia zebra (Haworthiopsis attenuata)
It is a very attractive, cute-sized succulent with striking white tubercles. Perfectly planted solo or in a dish garden together with other succulents, this tough plant will thrive well in a bright spot. Water it by the "soak and dry" method, drench the soil with water, and let it dry before the next watering. It's good to use a potting mix that drains efficiently while keeping the moisture intact. Don't worry, adding some perlite could do the trick. Another interesting stuff about H.zebra is that it's considered to be non-toxic to animals and humans, so it's safe to place them even on your living room table.
3. Snakeplant (Dracaena trifasciata) Also called the "mother-in-law's tongue," this sword-looking plant always look fresh, making it a perfect choice in livening up a dull corner of your house. There's also a study from NASA that shows snake plants can eliminate harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene, keeping the air in your home clean. In addition, they can survive low-light spots at home. So what are you waiting for, be sure to have a pot of this plant in your room! They are super easy to maintain because they can tolerate neglect for even a couple of days. Water them when the soil is dry. And before I forget, they have beautiful and fragrant blooms to reward you!

Succulents are known to thrive in harsh environments. But they can also do well in our living spaces. Knowing their water, soil, and light preferences, plus your TLC, would surely mean perfect harmony at home.