FOOD ON THE PLATE: Reasons to Start a Vegetable Garden

Posted by Jewel Sebastian on

Starting a garden could be cumbersome. And adding the word "vegetable" before "garden" would double the pressure. But if you already are growing your vegetable garden, you may be quick to make a list of the benefits that it brings. So here are some of the reasons cited by most gardeners on why we should start a vegetable garden.

1. Food Security
Probably more than ever, the current situation that we are in could tell why we should start a vegetable garden at home-- for food security. Rather than stressing yourself over the sight of empty grocery shelves, or the anxiety of going to a market, you have the brilliant option to grow and harvest fruits and vegetables right next to your home (or for some, even inside it!)
2. Environmental impact
When vegetables are home-grown, they are readily available and the amount of chemicals used is way lower if not eliminated at all compared to the ones bought from stores. Reduce in packaging needs, especially plastic materials can also be a benefit. Also, the effects of transporting these products like burning fuels and other chemicals for preservation could be reduced by growing them at home. It's a great way to start your eco-friendly way of living!
3. Healthwise option
Since the fruits and vegetables are easily accessible, it is then a tendency that we would eat them more often, and we all know the benefits of eating these "glow foods." Fresh fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of antioxidants that help eliminate toxins in our bodies. Studies show that high levels of it can prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Not to mention the cost reduced compared to buying them from stores. That's why they say "the wise and budgetarians get into gardening."
4. Recreationally sound
Being stuck at home probably led you to get your hands in the dirt. That's the case for most people who are trying to fight boredom especially during this time of the pandemic. For others, it's an avenue to release stress and feel relaxed. Tilling the land and preparing seedbeds can be interesting activities that can be done with our kids, so if you're thinking of something to engage your toddler, consider adding it to your routine. Plus, it's a productive way to burn those extra calories!

And the list goes on...
Starting a vegetable garden is undeniably a wonderful thing to do! We can reap wonderful things (both literally and not) from it, too! And even if you're doing it for some time, it's an advantage to be open to information found in many books, websites, and local garden stores; considering that vegetable gardening, like many other things, is very diverse and continues to develop as time goes by.